Masterclass Recording & PDF: EMF Protection – Health & Home Tips & Hacks 

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are a form of radiation that occurs naturally (e.g., from the earth) and artificially (e.g., from power lines, mobile phones, and other electronic devices). While there is ongoing research, there are clear dangers of EMF radiation which have been identified. The level of risk depends on various factors such as the type of EMF, exposure duration, and intensity.

In this EMF Protection Masterclass training, I talk you through the key things you need to know about the effects of EMFs on your body and health and how to minimise and protect yourself from potential dangers.

Here’s what we’ll cover, and more:

  • 10 Known EMF Radiation Dangers
  • 10 Food Types to Help Reduce EMF Stress on Your Body
  • 10 Key Tips to Reduce EMF Stress on Your Body
  • 10 High EMF Devices to Get Rid of, or Minimise!
  • 10 Ways to Mitigate EMFs in Your Home

Plus some discussion on the ‘agendas’ behind the rise and proliferation in ‘smart’ technology and devices and why their dangers are somewhat hidden and down-played.

This masterclass will be available to watch for free for a limited time, so take the chance to watch it now. Let me know what you think or any questions in the comments 🙂