5 Best Online Health Summits 2019

There are 5 free online health summits, 2019, starting soon that I encourage you to check out.

Firstly, if you’re wondering what an online health summit is and haven’t experienced one before, then let me fill you in before I go on to tell you which ones I recommend for Q2 of 2019…

An online health summit is a kind of docu-series that focuses on a specific area of health and airs online over a 3-10 day period typically.

An expert or person with an interest takes on the role of investigator and reporter and interviews other world leading experts – doctors, nutritionists, naturopaths and health practitioners on the subject.

We, health enthusiasts and fellow practitioners, get to watch and listen to the set of interviews and documentaries completely free of charge during the time of the summit, which is a sweet deal for us!

After the summit airs, or if you just don’t have the time to watch all of the episodes, you have the chance to purchase the whole set and receive it in the mail or digital download.

It’s a great model for everyone – you and I get to experience it for free for a short time. We can choose to purchase the summit – generating revenue for the creator and, if you purchase through an affiliate link recommendation, that affiliate gets a small cut of the sale.

I am an affiliate for all of these summits, but I fully plan on watching them myself and very much feel that the topics covered are of great importance.

Bottom line – I’ll only promote summits and topics I believe are worth your time and are credible.

Ok so here are the 5 best online health summits coming up that I recommend…

1. The Interpreting Your Genetics Summit

They say that your genes can unlock a new era of personalised medicine – genetic/genomic practices to alter your lifestyle, guide treatment and create better health.

Whether you’ve taken a genetic test or plan to, this summit will give you the knowledge to leverage your own data to create better health, guide treatment and upgrade your life.

Personally, I am very interested in epigenetics – the ability for us to affect and change our gene expression by our diet and lifestyle. This is great news for us – that we’re not beholden to our ‘bad’ genes – we have control!

You get a load of freebies with this summit too – including The Science of Longevity eReport, The Ultimate Healthy Home Checklist and Dr Tom O’Bryan’s Pantry Essentials eList.

You can register for The Interpreting Genetics Summit here and runs in early April 2019. The free encore weekend airs on April 13th-14th.

2. The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit

Over 150 symptoms could point to Lyme disease – it’s a present-day epidemic that’s terribly difficult to diagnose. This summit features the very best experts on this elusive subject to share their expert advice and protocols.

There are almost 40 featured speakers, including my friend Dr David Jockers, Dr Joseph Mercola, Dr Eric Zielinski and Evan Brand.
The summit will cover: Lyme disease symptoms (common and rare), diagnosis and testing, practical at-home health tips and healing protocol explanations.

You’’ll also get several free bonuses, including David Jockers’ Ketogenic Diet for Lowering Inflammation talk, Dr Raj Patel’s Mold and Lyme Disease presentation and Connie Strasheim’s talk on Lyme disease and Cancer.

The Best of Chronic Lyme Disease Summit is online and free from April 15-21. You can register here.

3. Reclaim Your Body Summit

If you’ve ever wondered why 95% of dieters gain their weight back (maybe you can relate?) then the answers in this summit may surprise you.
To lose weight and keep it off, we must have the right motivation and the right mindset – often easier said than done!

Permanent weight loss comes from doing your ‘inner work’, addressing the wounds, trauma and emotional triggers that keep you eating in ways that make you overweight.

I have seen this over and over again working with thousands of clients over the past 20 years and this summit will help you with your inner and outer struggles with weight loss.

You’ll really like this summit and find it valuable if…

You’ve been on diets and can’t keep the weight off…

Are confused by diet choices and conflicting nutrition advice…

Think eating healthy is too much work or can’t taste good…

Have a secret fear that you’re ‘not good enough’…

Feel ready for the support you need to change your habits…

Experience anxiety every time you try to button your pants.

Regularly overeat or have food addictions and impulsive food habits.

…It’s time to stop yo-yo dieting, discover who you are and create healthy habits that will transform your life!

During this event, you’ll learn from others who’ve been overweight and have discovered how to transform their lives.

The well-known experts (such as Dr David Perlmutter, Dr Mark Hyman, Dr Dean Ornish and Joe Cross) bring practical wisdom and powerful tactics for healing, losing weight, keeping it off and feeling good in your body.

You also get a great free bonus ebook – The Reverse Approach: 7 Simple Habits That Helped Me Find Peace and Lose 130 lbs for Good Without Dieting!

Register for the free online Reclaim Your Body Summit, which runs from 6th-12th May 2019.

4. The Digital Dementia Summit

‘Digital dementia’ is very real. The overconsumption of screen time can lead to a breakdown of cognitive abilities and deteriorated posture, developmental delays, degraded short-term memory, seclusion and lack of motivation… especially for our children!

This is the summit I am most looking forward to, since digital dementia and our use of screens is such a new phenomenon.

Not a lot is said about the negative side effects of all the technology and screen time we engage with every day and many of the big companies promoting their tech products would have us believe that it’s all completely safe and beneficial for us, but this is simply not the case.

From the initial research I have done, I know that our digital world and tech can have a hugely negative impact on our mitochondria – the energy production centres of our cells.

I can’t wait to find out more and see what practical measurements I can take to help protect myself, clients, family and friends.

This is a summit not to be missed in my view.

You also get some great free early talks and bonuses – The Digital Dementia Prevention eGuide and 7 Steps to Save Your Child’s Brain eChecklist.

Register for the Digital Dementia Summit here – it runs from May 20th-26th 2019.


5. The DIY Detox Summit

This summit will help you if you’re struggling with symptoms of toxicity, known or unknown, and to recover and make better choices to deeply detoxify.

Learn why conventional medicine misses the diagnosis…

Find out which thyroid tests will properly evaluate thyroid function…

Educate yourself and learn how to speak with your medical professionals to get the best insights and health results…

Access safe and effective natural remedies for your improved health.

The DIY Detox Summit runs from 3rd-9th June 2019 and you can register here.

6. Bonus Summit – Money Revealed Docu-Series

You won’t be surprised to learn that the single biggest source of stress is…

Money stress can often lead to health problems.

So, the people at Revealed Films bravely tackled this head-on in the high-production Money Revealed series.

In this groundbreaking documentary series, 36 self-made millionaires, multi-millionaires and billionaires open up and tell everything they know about money…

In terms we can all understand.

Their stories prove there is no single path to wealth… Only ideas and truths the wealthy know and apply… That the other 99% don’t.

What you learn may shock you—and will definitely surprise you.

I’m very intrigued by this series and will watch with great interest!

You can register for the Money Revealed docu-series here – the world premier airs from 23rd April – 2nd May 2019.

Go take advantage of these great free online health summits for Q2 of 2019. Enjoy!

Laura “summit junkie” Rimmer