Why I Love Wheatgrass Juice


My nickname at the gym and in the Philharmonic choir I sing with is ‘pond water’.

I probably cause more people to exclaim ‘yuck!’ at me in a month than most people do in a lifetime.

I regularly get mistaken for a mid twenty-something when, as I write this, I’m pushing 40.


Wheatgrass juice.

The humble grass of the young wheat plant can be juiced and drank to provide massive amounts of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients to your body…

And I take full advantage of it.

NOTE: This post is about my experience with wheatgrass juice, if you’d like to check out the wheatgrass juice that I love and drink, click here.

Every morning I get up without an alarm clock, go to the bathroom, then kitchen and put a scoop of wheatgrass into a pint glass, fill it up with water from my Ultrastream alkaline water filter, give it a good stir and drink it down.

[bctt tweet=”Wheatgrass – it doesn’t taste good, it doesn’t taste bad. It is a POWERFUL health elixir and that’s the point.” username=”LauraAWilson”]

It instantly energises me, ready to do my Bible reading and prayers.

Throughout the day it keeps my mood, energy and body in good health, stable and functioning well and I’m able to focus on my work and feel good.

Over months and years, it has reaped benefits that are shocking, but not surprising, given the research findings and work of people like Dr Ann Wigmore around the therapeutic and health uses of wheatgrass juice and combating serious health conditions.

Wheatgrass – anti-ageing health insurance

Here’s what wheatgrass juice has done for me since I started taking it in 2001…

It’s helped give me good, clear, youthful skin.

It’s helped keep me roughly 10lbs slimmer in my late 20s and 30s than in my teens and early 20s.

It’s kept my hair its natural light brown colour right up ’til now (age 39 as I write), and even made it more blondey than it ever used to be – along with a good dose of sunshine of course.

It’s given me the energy to run my many endurance races – 10k runs, half marathons, marathons, triathlons…

In fact, I took wheatgrass juice powder EVERY SINGLE DAY during 2014 when I ran 12 marathons and a 32-mile moorland ultra-marathon in that year.

I attribute my pretty much unheard of lack of injuries to wheatgrass.

I blame wheatgrass for giving me the desire to leave mainstream medicine and set up a website promoting natural health and the benefits of alkaline mineral-rich foods!

Seriously, if I think back, it was when I discovered the amazing benefits of wheatgrass through my health research and trying it myself that I felt compelled to set up my first website – www.AlkalineDietHealthTips.com.

It was when I started taking wheatgrass juice every day that I took the rest of my diet more seriously and I went from junk food-eating, overweight smoker to lean, fit, vibrant marathon runner.

I’ve experienced bright eyes, shiny hair, strong nails, smooth skin and lack of any major or minor health issues as a result of consistent, daily, simple, boring, unsexy drinking of my green juice.

Of course there are other factors too…

Good all-round diet, lots of fresh air and I very much practice the principles of the 7-Point Framework for Health, Healing & Vitality that I outline in my first book, The Alkaline 5 Diet.

…BUT, I believe that wheatgrass juice has been the game-changer for me, when I take a 360 degree look at how things have panned out in my health, fitness, work, research and other pursuits.

I’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of people in my coaching practice in the past decade and many of them too have benefited from this humble grassy green drink.

The Secret Cancer Conference Green Juice Testimonies

I went to a secret Cancer Care Conference here in the UK back in 2012…

The event was actually banned and we had to take it underground as the medical establishment balked against it and it caused a media outcry.

At the conference, I met several people who had reversed serious disease with the use of wheatgrass juice.

One man with Stage 4 Cancer was given mere months to live by his doctor and, as a last ditch attempt to do something, he booked himself into the Gerson Therapy program in Mexico.

He invested the significant amount of money it cost to become a Gerson Clinic inpatient and be administered intense wheatgrass juice and green drink therapy for several months.

It worked.

He left the clinic virtually cancer-free and here he was – over twenty years later – recounting his story to us. He had no further instances of cancer and he looked very good for this age.

Another man who’d had a heart attack used wheatgrass and Gerson therapy to heal himself and come off his statins completely.

Dr Rob Verkerk from the Alliance for Natural Health talked about beating cancer nature’s way with high dose supplementation and the issues surrounding the awful ban on natural supplements that can heal the body.

Fortunately, as we are right now, wheatgrass juice is one of those supplements that is still available freely, unlike many on the hitlist.

(Side note – I was most perturbed that GABA, a great sleep and mind calming natural supplement has been banned in the UK. I ordered some from the USA but it has managed to be sent back, even after I paid the heavy import tax, who knows why!)

Bottom Line

Wheatgrass juice is rightly termed ‘nature’s wonder food panacea’. It is relatively cheap, freely available (as I write this, who knows how long for in the current supplement ban climate) and is supremely powerful to increase and maintain many tangible signs of good health.

Go grab yourself some wheatgrass and make it a boring, consistent routine, like I have for the past almost 2 decades.

Then when your friends call you ‘pond water’ or something similar you can simply smile and enjoy your health secret, or share it with them.