
Keto Foods – What to Eat & Avoid

Years into my keto diet journey and I absolutely love eating keto foods! Natural fats are just so rich and decadent and enjoyable to eat… Bland vegetables are turned into a scrummy delight … Read more


Why I Love Wheatgrass Juice

My nickname at the gym and in the Philharmonic choir I sing with is ‘pond water’. I probably cause more people to exclaim ‘yuck!’ at me in a month than … Read more


5 Best Online Health Summits 2019

There are 5 free online health summits, 2019, starting soon that I encourage you to check out. Firstly, if you’re wondering what an online health summit is and haven’t experienced … Read more

Whitelisting Our E-mails

Thank you for subscribing to Your Eternal Health! (If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe here!) Many e-mail and Internet companies are now using programs to block unwanted e-mail called … Read more