Romans 13, Statism and Other Small Matters – Part 1


George Orwell once claimed that he has “an ability to face unpleasant facts”

I too have that ability.

Facts about family life growing up, personal shortcomings, various work situations that most people would turn a blind eye to because they have mortgages to pay, and the true nature of health and sickness – to which I’ve dedicated 20 years of research to and made a career of.
However, I’ve dedicated by far the most time, energy and passion into understanding worldview and the nature of reality (and, praise the LORD, Jesus saved me). There have been many ups and downs, rabbit holes gone down and necessary and humbling changes of thought and direction, as I’ve grown in knowledge and truth. 

This has cost me a lot – financially, relationally, status, comfort and more. People who know me well will know that, but few know the real reasons why.

With an unassuming and open but discerning mind and the boldness to ask those inappropriate questions that no one else wishes to – plus the desire to seek the truth, no matter what that might be, it’s amazing the level of deception you see in all aspects of life, as well as the complexities of relationships and motivating factors behind actions.

All of my life I’ve found myself delving into deep, dark subject matter (that began as genuine enquiry into what I thought was a happy, positive subject BTW) and seeing very alarming realities in situations I’ve found myself in with a calm resolve and critical thought. All the while seeking to live as an abiding (latterly Christian) citizen, in peace with my neighbour and enjoying a ‘normal life’ as far as possible.

Here we are in 2020 and we are knee-high in a world crisis and with governmental measures in place that even the most skeptical would say is non-sensical and confusing at best and utterly tyrannical at worst. I’ve seen this coming and to me there’s nothing confusing about it but everything diabolical.

As with having a magician’s trick explained, you can’t unsee something that may rail against your subjective reality in a way that makes you uncomfortable.

So I’ll say this: if you’re happy and comfortable with not knowing the truth of the matter at hand in this world crisis, then do not read further.
Ignorance is indeed bliss in many ways.

But… this article is written for the believer in Christ. Our LORD warns us many times not to be deceived and to worship Him in spirit and truth and to turn away from evil. So if you are committed to obedience to Him, at all costs and wish to be a light in the world and grow in your discernment as the days get more and more evil… I urge you to read on, read in full and prayerfully consider what’s written here and let it be a factor in your actions.

[SIDE NOTE: If you’re not yet a follower of the LORD Jesus Christ, then this article is not for you, so please stop reading now and any non-Christian comments will be deleted. This is for regenerate church family members only, who have the mind and wisdom of Christ and are committed to genuine Biblical inquiry.

Unbeliever, your biggest problem is not the current world crisis and deception, it’s that you are currently not right with the Living God and that if you die in your sins, you will face eternal wrath. I urge you, today, to get right with Him. Repent of your sins and enthrone Him in your heart as Lord of your life. Read His Word and join your local church, as far as you can right now… Then come back here.]

Let’s move on…

Winston Churchill once said this: 

“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”- Winston Churchill

As a freemason, he would know all about this.

I believe we are in wartime now (God’s Word tells us that) and I believe that there is so much deception going on and lies being told that we need to get on our knees and beg our LORD to open our eyes and deliver us and to ask Him what we, personally, in our own peculiar setting, gifting and area of responsibility should do about it, in order to stick closest to our Shepherd and shepherd others, glorify Him and lead others to Christ.

If you have indeed done this, and especially if you are in a leadership position in your church, then I would offer the suggestion that just maybe the LORD’s brought you here for a reason. Maybe the information and wisdom you’re looking for is not dropped exclusively from the bishops, elders and higher ecclesiastical and governmental bodies…I’ll let you discern.

Let me state an obvious truth: Deception is, well, deceptive.

Lies are sometimes subtle and sometimes so big and bold that they couldn’t possibly be lies, could they? Our spiritual adversary uses both. He’s a master at it and we are told that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. So we should not be surprised at deception, but also not fearful; Our great LORD Jesus has overcome the powers of darkness, sin and death through His life, death, resurrection and ascension, and we know how this story ends, don’t we? Hallelujah! 

In the past six months, I’ve spent countless hours poring over research papers and watching independent documentaries and interviews – scientific and medical ones, historical accounts, church history and, of course, the Biblical text and sermons. I’ve talked with Theologians, Biblical scholars and pastors, people on the streets, doctors and medical staff, funeral home workers, people of different religions (that includes professing atheists) and many friends – and I’ve watched world stage events unfold very, very carefully and listened to the narrative that’s being told to us.

I don’t sit and watch the mainstream news – in fact I haven’t had a TV since 2005. I never allow myself to sit and watch television (mind)programmes unchecked or unfiltered. I dip in and out of news with my critical thinking head on and then triangulate with other research resources; one thing my Law degree taught me to do.

[Hey, I might have wasted a lot of my university years sleeping and partying but I got top of the year in my ‘Legal Evidence’ modules. The LORD had a plan for my life…]

George Orwell’s final warning before he died, referring to his infamous book which prophesies a totalitarian state, ‘1984’, was “Don’t let it happen; it depends upon you”. 

It does, indeed, depend upon us – as Christians with access to power, wisdom and truth from the throne room of heaven.

[If you haven’t read or watched 1984, spend 7:36 minutes watching this helpful and interesting summary now]…

Go to Part 2 (Coming Soon)