EH043: The No.1 Most Important Immunity Booster Factor – Your Gut

This is Part 1 of my ‘Immunity Boosters’ 5-Day Challenge that I recently held – The No.1 Most Important Immunity Factor – Your Gut

In this lockdown coronavirus situation we find ourselves in, it’s important to boost our immune system.

Firstly, what exactly is our immune system?

Good question. It’s kind of like the immigration police – it stops foreign entities in your body, to protect you.

There are several different types of immunity, such as innate, acquired, active, passive, natural, artificial and cover everything from mother’s antibodies passed at birth to medicines and vaccines and your organs, tissues and skin.

You probably know that gut heath is important too, right?

Well, inside your gut are around 100 trillion live microorganisms that promote good GI function, protect the body from infection and viruses, and regulate metabolism and the mucosal immune system.

Here’s the startling fact: Your gut makes up more than 75% of the immune system!

So you absolutely need to take care of your gut, or you will be unhealthy!

…And because of all this, your good gut health is the No.1 most important immunity factor.

Compromised gut health = Compromised Immune system = Risk factors for disease & Greater risk of virus

So in Part 1 of 5 in this Immunity Boosters Challenge, let’s look at 7 simple yet extremely powerful ways to boost your gut health immunity…

Recommended Links & Resources:

Immunity Boosters 5-Day Challenge Recap Page (Parts 1-5 videos and actions)