7 thoughts on “EH041: 12 Tips for Good Mental Heath During Lockdown”

  1. Dear Laura,

    What a marvelous and helpful podcast. I like the idea of diet working on my mental health. Still very fond of apple crumble though; high sugar and flour content but the apples must be good for me.

    Number 10, alcohol. Not sure I fancy a lemon and whatever smoothie instead of a nice glass of decent claret but happy to give it a go when the summer comes on.

    Number 12 I look forward to my letter in due course. You are right though people have lost the art of letter writing especially thank you letters. There is no stamp on this one but thank you anyway.

    Andrew T

    • Well done Laura you’re a shining star! Keep spreading the good news!

      You’ve prompted me to get those letters written tomorrow.

      Thank you

    • Hi Andrew,
      Thank you for your encouragement, glad you found it helpful and are digging into the specifics! Honestly the lemonade drink I mentioned is so nice! Do give it a try!
      Laura 🙂

  2. Well done Laura you’re a shining star! Keep spreading the good news!

    You’ve prompted me to get those letters written tomorrow.

    Thank you

  3. Hi Laura,
    Really enjoyed your podcast. Lots of wisdom for mind, body and soul. Love the connection with Jesus and his graceful offer of Eternal Health.

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